Travel smart with iGlobalTrotter. It's all about being travel-savvy!
Let's book the vacation of your dreams.
Let's book the vacation of your dreams.
Memories are precious. They are all you have after a moment passes. Travel videos record sequences of the best moments you have on holiday. Photos freeze all the great moments in time one by one.
Check out and subscribe to our YouTube travel channel where we have over 90 videos of our travels around the globe
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Make the most of the beautiful scenes and the valuable memories stored in your travel videos. You may have filmed a lot of video clips as you travel. They may be good videos but they are mostly in raw and loose form – scattered clips of raw video footages taken from here and there. It’s always better to have them video-edited so that you combine together video clips of the same theme. Then you need to make sure that they can flow in the correct sequence and in a connected way so as to tell a truly memorable story of your travels.
When you take videos there will always be some parts which are unwanted or not well taken and you want to video-edit them out. There will be some parts which you will like to be enlarged or reduced in size. There will be some parts you will like to speeded up or run in slow motion. There will be parts where you will like the lighting to be brighter or darker. You may also want to add text or music or filters or effects or overlays. Or you may want to add scenery that you yourself have not filmed. We can do this for you.
Here are some examples of video-edited clips we’ve done:
WHY TRAVEL? https://youtu.be/v3tGRX37JCM?si=DUHt5Sb02unMvirR
PHUKET ON CRUISE https://youtu.be/L_aGzy7f4-s?si=iizE97KzHTYWUyKz
LANG CO SPA https://youtube.com/shorts/xMr5pRd7K9g?si=VbSgxvFDVp1w4YUE
You can view 100+ videos we have done on https://www.youtube.com/@iglobaltrotter
For enquiries on our video-editing service write to iglobaltrotter@gmail.com
Frederick Lim, iglobaltrotter
Travel blogger, writer – former CNA journalist, stockbroker & business owner
Email: iglobaltrotter@gmail.com
MP: +65 91141523
Travel Envoy, Chan Brothers Travel
Email: frederick-lim@travelenvoys.com
I can book tour packages for you. I can also make independent travel bookings for you for flights, hotels, cruises, land transport and tickets for attractions. Together with the support team at Chan Brothers I can also plan and design a travel itinerary/ or personalize a holiday trip for you (individuals or groups). Or if you prefer, you can book on your own in this website at our I-Booking page.
I am a Travel Envoy with Chan Brothers Travel – one of Singapore’s leading travel agencies with a wide network of partners and contacts in the travel industry worldwide. Chan Brothers has been a travel agency and tour operator for more than 50 years and has an established record for trustworthy and reliable service.
I am also an author.
My published novels are The Pandemic Files - an investigative journalism thriller - and The Sungei Road Gang - a crime thriller.
My author website: https://fredericklim.net
Frederick Lim:
I am an itchy-feet, raring-to-go, never-too-tired traveller. I like to tell people that travelling is in my 2 FEET: Find-Explore-Experience-Tell & Find-Escape-Enjoy-Tell. I have travelled far and wide and travel remains my enduring passion.
Frederick Lim: I manage the www.iglobaltrotter.com website and can help you plan, design and book guided tour packages or free & independent or personalized travel.
I'm backed by a very experienced travel envoys support team at Chan Brothers Travel. The travel agency has a history of more than 50 years as a tour operator.
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